Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Something easier earn money than Agloco!

How many referral links you have now? I called this a lazy-man’s referral marketing. Well, I should say all you need to do is sign up here and log into your account. While at the “Program&Stats” area, you can see plenty of websites inside which you need to fill in your own ID of each. Then update the database at the bottom. All you need to do is just refer to your friends with only one referral link and they will do the rest for you. It’s not a bad idea to try it out.


Super Saiyan 3 said...

Hey, dude, how are you! I joined already.

Actually few years ago, i joined quite a number of these programs. I used to have like 7 viewbars on my comp and we almost online 24 hours. We use a automatic mover to cheat the system, pretending we are online. I got like 200 downlines in 7 companies. I end up made NZD200 before all those companies bankrupt, except like only 1 survive. Just to share with you my story abour viewbar.

Super Saiyan 3 said...

Hei, dude, no post de? Err, visit, 蔡杰瑛的blog, =.="